Oral History Project

Leicester has a positive reputation for its harmony and ability of many communities to live well together. We at the St Philip’s Centre are grateful to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, and those who play the lottery, for funding a project that documents and preserves the experiences that lie behind the cohesion and community spirit of the city. The project celebrates the rich variety of cultures and experiences found within Leicester, while not shying away from difficult conversations where those are needed.
We have recorded the memories of 31 people who have migrated to Leicester from overseas. We have had conversations with people from Canada, Egypt, Germany, Holland, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, USA, Vanuatu and Zimbabwe. We have spoken to people from these faiths: Bahai, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism and Sikhism.
With thanks to Adrian, Amarjit, Ashiedu, Barbara, Bernard, Carmelita, Dan, Diane, Harinder, Hashim, Herbert, Israel, Jaap, Johannes, Marieyvonne, Mary, Maryan, Mina, Rose, Ruth, Saju, Samuel, Sanjay, Savita, Shaimaa, Smita, Sujin, Sukhdev, Turi, Uri and Virginia. All the videos can be found on our YouTube page:
St Philip’s Centre Leicester – YouTube