At the heart of our work are our diverse religious and belief communities.

We serve them in a number of ways through public benefit activities which include charity days, integration initiatives over food, roundtable discussions, lectures and seminars.
We are committed to working with communities to promote encounter, harbour trust, strengthen understanding and encourage co-operation.
Some examples of our community work:
Summer Mitzvah: In partnership with the Jewish community, we hold an annual event where we encourage supermarket shoppers to donate at least one food or item of toiletry which we then give to charities supporting the homeless or victims of domestic violence. Our volunteers, shoppers and beneficiaries come from many different religions and beliefs.
Hindu-Muslim Friendship Meals: Based on the Channel 4 series ‘Come Dine With Me’, we pair families from each faith who have never met before to reciprocally host one another in their homes for meals. Our aim is to create friendships and to build mutually beneficial relationships.
Cross & Crescent Group: A dialogue group to facilitate mutual learning about Christianity and Islam and an opportunity for Christians and Muslims to form bonds.’
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Our Other Areas Of Work
Building understanding between faiths
Courses for church groups - Our work is rooted in the church and its values. We help faith communities live well together by learning from one another, finding common ground and building relationships.
Workshops for School and College
Educating young people - Our work is rooted in the church and its values. We help faith communities live well together by learning from one another, finding common ground and building relationships.
Helping the public sector to serve communities
Training for public sector and business - Over the past 12 years, St Philip’s Centre has educated hundreds of police recruits, as well as the army, prison service, corporations and the public sector.